Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bruins Cake

Anil is a hard-core Boston Bruins fan. Yes, I know, we live in Montreal. He takes his love for the Bruins (and hatred for the Montreal Canadians) to the level beyond my understanding. For you non-hockey fans, it’s the Stanley Cup playoffs right now and the Bruins are doing pretty good so Anil is wearing is Bruins Jersey all day long and Emma is rocking the “Little Bruins Fan” bib.

His birthday is next week but we were having a birthday BBQ today since his brother will be gone to Dubai next week (Yes Erwin, I’m looking at you). I wanted to make a special birthday cake, even though cakes are far from my speciality, and I chose to attempt a.... Bruins cake!

It was quite an adventure, I had to find a store that sold black icing, borrow cake pans and a cake decorating kit, figure out how to make the “B” without it looking like it was on crack. Ouf!

Conclusion: it was amazing! Emma had cake for the first time and she agreed: her mama makes the best cakes in the world!

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