Sunday, December 23, 2012

November in photo

I know I’ve been slacking and haven’t posted anything in over a month, but having a 3 month old that doesn’t sleep at night and a tornado of a toddler takes all my energy (brain? What brain?).  

The first week of November, we had our first snowfall! I don’t think Emma remembered last year’s snow because she was mesmerized!

Meanwhile, despite not being a great sleeper, Alex has been his usual cute self.

Around the middle of November, Alex and Emma paid a visit to their great-grand-parents. I’m so happy that they got to spend time with them. Emma loves seeing “Mémère” and “Pépère”.

The following week, Emma had a very unfortunate accident, but I won’t be posting those pictures because it was a terrible day for all of us. She fell, busted her lip and displaced her front tooth. Let’s just say it was a very painful experience, but she got to eat lots of jello and ice cream for a few days ;)

In the meantime, Alex has been practicing his tummy time and his chilling technique.

Towards the end of November, the temperature was still very warm for that time of the year, so we took them to the Ecomuseum. Emma loves to check out the otters, the white fox, the porcupines (eeewww they stink!) and the wolves (the big doggies).

And as November came to an end, we slowly started to get ready for Christmas...

PS: My husband makes kick-ass cookies

PPS: Special mention to Maya for being such a good sport about getting dressed up