Thursday, August 4, 2011

Scrapbooking my life

What do you do when you have taken millions of photos of your baby since they were born? You put them in a scrapbook!

I always loved arts & crafts. It was my favourite thing to do as a child and I can’t wait to make them with Emma! I loooove scrapbooking, it's the pinnacle of arts & crafts in my opinion. It gives you an excuse to look at your pictures for the one-millionth time; it permits you to be creative and use glitter! (Come on who doesn’t like glitter); it also creates wonderful memories to share with your loved ones. One day, hopefully, Emma will look through the scrapbooked we made for her and she will feel loved and be happy. Better yet, one day Emma will scrapbook with me J

Of course looking back at the pictures when she was a few months old, I wish I already had the camera I’m using now and the photography knowledge I’ve acquired in the past months. But it’s okay, that’s also a part of what scrapbooking demonstrates: evolution. Evolution of Emma, evolution of my photography skills, evolution of my cake baking skills (there is still a lots of room for progress in that category), even evolution of my scrapbooking talents! But my favourite part of scrapbooking is looking back at the pictures of her when she was a day old, a week old, a month old ... I could do that all day long ♥

Talking about creativity, the past week has been a very creative one. We started by tackling the redecoration of our basement. We went for a dark “Galaxy Blue” for the ceiling and “Sky Blue” for the walls, with a very unfortunate “Smurf Blue” that was just wrong on so many levels and is now sitting, unused in a dark corner somewhere.

In between painting and scrapbooking sessions, I’ve been reading the cake decorating books I got from Amazon. I can’t wait to bake the next cake!


  1. Aw, did your husband help scrapbook? I would love to scrapbook. :) I've got a lot of the supplies from my card making stuff. It's just finding the time! I think it would be very therapeutic. :)

    Your scrapbooks look AMAZING, btw. :)

  2. Heather, it's VERY therapeutic, try it!! And yes my husband is helping me :)
