Monday, August 15, 2011

Grandpa’s little fairy

Last weekend was Alexia’s 3rd birthday party. It was a “Fairy” themed birthday party and the little girls were all given fairy wings to wear! So cute! However, I made a major “mommy fail” in regards to attending the party... The invitation was somewhat confusing for my mommy brain and I thought the party was at 10am (as the original invitation indicated) but it was actually at 4pm .... oups! As it turns out, we couldn’t go at 4pm, so we went earlier to give the birthday fairy her fairy gift.

Seeing Alexia next to Emma was so weird because I had just recently come across a picture of both of them last year at Alexia’s 2nd birthday party. What a difference a year makes!

We came back home where we were having my father over for dinner and Emma used the occasion to show off her brand new fairy wings to her grandpa!

Emma loves her grandpa; she’s like grandpa’s little girl! Actually in this case I should say “grandpa’s little fairy”

Here she is showing how much she enjoys playing with her “grand-papa” J