Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Millions and millions of cake!

Alright, maybe not millions but here’s at least two of them that I made in the past few weeks that are worth sharing. I have been taking cake decorating classes in the past two months and I managed to decorate a few that were pretty cool. The first one I made for my brothers birthday, before going on vacation. Lucas is such a huge fan of pandas (don’t ask), so I made a panda cake!!!

The second cake I made for Wendy and Erwin’s birthday last week. Wendy has Irish blood... I made a shamrock cake!

Unfortunately, both times, Emma was asleep by the time we ate the cake, but we made sure to keep her a piece for the next day J


  1. You must have so much patience. Those cakes are awesome!

  2. Shes gorgeous Eve. Her little pigtails, eyes... just beautiful. They cakes look pretty good too. ;)
