Saturday, January 19, 2013


Once again, I’m a little late in posting last month’s pictures. Fortunately, with Alex slowly starting to sleep better, I should also get quicker at posting them. He is finally going 8 hours in between his night feedings and hopefully he will soon sleep 12 hours straight and I will stop looking like a “mombie”.

When I’ll be out of my “mombie” fog, there’s a bunch of things I want to do : start the 30 day shred (Jillian, here I come), organize the huge pile of papers/bills that’s been accumulating in a basket in my room, shower more often .... oups!

In the meantime, here are my December pictures. Enjoy the cuteness!

Alex with my dear long-time friend Gen. 

Spaghetti & Popsicle face!

Alex before the hair-loss madness began.


Emma’s first snowman! She had so much fun making it with the help of her grand-mother!

Alex with his grand-mother; Let the hair-loss madness begin...

Emma is opening her first Christmas gifts from her beloved godmother.

December 24th, waiting for my family to arrive as we are hosting Christmas dinner!

Family picture!!!!

Emma opening some more presents on the 25th. The book she’s unwrapping is “Miffy” which is a popular children’s character from Holland.

And finally, ready to leave to her auntie’s house on the 25th !

PS: Did I ever tell you about my husband’s cookies?

PPS : After an epic fail of an attempt, I finally succeed at making a yummy Yule log cake! It was delicious!!

1 comment:

  1. Alex and Emma are so incredibly adorable! I love them. And now I want some cookies :)
