Friday, May 25, 2012

I’m back!!!

I haven’t written any blog entries in the new year. I have two excuses: 1) like bears, in winter we hibernate. Since we don’t go out much due to the horrible Canadian winter, I haven’t taken a lot of pictures. 2) We received very happy news on Christmas eve... It has been taking most of the energy I have left after a long week work week:

Thankfully, summer is almost here, so we’ll be going out a lot more and we’ll have a lot more stories and pictures to share, starting with Emma’s birthday party tomorrow! Until then, here’s a little summary of the past 4 months ....
January was spent mostly hanging out inside, and building castles!

In February, Emma and I got sick. When she finally started feeling better ... she got sick again! L The positive side of the millions of colds she got is that she is now very proficient at blowing her nose (a.k.a emptying the Kleenex box).

In March, I made a really cool “Happy Retirement” cake for Bernard! Unfortunately, since Emma was still sick, we were unable to attend the party and actually taste the cake but I was told that it was very good! J

In April, the weather finally got better and we were able to start going outside a bit more. One of the first things we did was to go to the Eco-museum. Because let’s face it, otters are awesome!

Then came Easter but Emma wouldn’t let me take a good picture of her wearing bunny ears; she finally let me take a few while playing outside, later that afternoon.

Next came May. May is always busy, we start working on the backyard (and this year it included building Emma’s humongous swing set!), Anil’s birthday is the 16th and then Emma’s birthday is shortly after. For Anil’s birthday, I made a Holland Jersey cake! The Euro Cup is coming soon and we’ll be cheering for Holland (hey Emma is a quarter Dutch after all).

And the swing set took a lot of time to build but Emma is enjoying it very much!

I’ll be back soon with pictures of Emma’s 2nd birthday! I can’t believe she is already 2 years old!!!!