In the spirit of starting new traditions, we took Emma to the Ecomuseum. In my excitement over the visit, I even bought us 3 yearly passes to ensure that we would come back. The Ecomuseum is a small local zoo about 5 minutes away from our house. It’ not an exotic kind of zoo, no elephants nor giraffes, it houses only animals indigenous to the St-Lawrence Valley of Quebec. Among the 115 species living on the Ecomuseum site, there are: American Porcupines, Arctic Foxes, Black Bears, Rabbits, Northern River Otters, Woodland Caribous, Gray Wolves, White-tailed deer and Lynxes. The animals were not captured in the Wild, they were either rescued or born in captivity.

Emma seemed to enjoy being outside, strolling in the woods but some of the animals were too far for her to really notice them. That was up until we came across the Wild Turkeys. The male was loudly gobbling, as any good-mannered male turkey would do, and that’s when Emma really noticed them ... she was terrified! Apparently Emma is not fond of loud gobbling coming out of some funny-looking bird.
She also noticed the black bears, probably because they are quite big compared to the other animals, and she seemed to like them. She spent most of the rest of the visit eating the paper map ...because that’s how she rolls ;)